Thumbnail images background color white or dark?

Discussion started by yaschan

I am curious does background color of thumbnail images affect sales. Turbosquid's standards may have affected consensus of customers to lean for white or whitish backgrounds. But I see many models have dark background.

I tend to like darker backgrounds somehow for game objects. I am not sure why. What are your thoughts on this? Does CG trader have some guideline for this?


Posted 12 months ago

still figuring out (already for longer time). I am 99,99% sure the title/cover image is attracting or disattracting potential buyers. Thus, it indeed affect sales in some way. Some will never click on the item even if missing a potential asset that they were looking for just because the cover is not attractive enough. Background color but also FRAMING! is important.
I also like darker backgrounds for realtime items and sometimes even for highres, however it seems to be abit dependent on the product, ie. a white soccer ball on white background is a NO GO on first eye, you would need an extensive worked out lighting (not too dark, not too bright, strong plasticity) in order to get it to work.
Currently I have middle grey backgrounds and it actually does NOT work for me.
I´ve sold a bit more a time ago with bright BG´s on CGT.
What works very good as it seems are bright blurry HDRI enviroment maps, as it seems, since I sold a lot of times items with such backgrounds. Example:

Posted over 5 years ago

I think everything depends on everyone's taste

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