Cyberpunk scifi handgun / pistol

Discussion started by maticeee


Posted almost 4 years ago

Nice looking model, but it's a shame the Marmoset viewer still seems broken. I hope CGT fix that soon.

maticeee wrote
hm, I’m checking it now via phone, and it’s working fine?
luxxeon wrote
I get a black screen with some error text. Here's a screenshot of it...
maticeee wrote
yes, same for me on the computer! but on the phone works just fine oO they'll fix it probably
Posted almost 4 years ago

Wow, very interesting and impactful model. I can see it in some sci-fi games, but, I have a question: what if some game developer decides to have a left-handed character who would use your model? Would it be possible to mirror the gun?

maticeee wrote
thanks! technically, it is possible, but there are couple of labels on the gun, so texture must be adapted (we don't want to see flipped text :) on the other hand, this model is a bit way to big when it comes to polycount for gaming right now, it should be a bit more optimized
Posted almost 4 years ago

Good interesting design! Hand grip looks uncomfortable for humans with the sharp edge but its the future anything goes.

maticeee wrote
yeah, I've noticed that also. At that point I made this gun for 3D concepting purpose, so it wasn't that important. It has couple of flaws like that, but hey, next one will be better! :D

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