Cannot unzip purchased file

Discussion started by kvdl3

Hi I have purchased a file and downloaded it but when i try and unzip in using Windows 10 file extract it says the file is empty. So i tried 7-zip and it says data is corrupted. how can i successfully unzip the file? I can unzip files that i have downloaded from Thingiverse ok TIA


Posted over 1 year ago

Thanks everyone I used a different computer and it worked!

Posted over 1 year ago

I would contact the artist first since they, most likely, have the original, non-zipped, files. It would also give an opportunity for the artist to fix whatever was wrong with them. It is not necessarily the artists fault. Sometimes digital files do get corrupt during storage or file transfer.

LemonadeCG wrote
That's actually a bad advice, dealing with download issues is cgtrader's job and responsibility. Seller should never send any files to the customer directly. NEVER!
TazMan2000 wrote
LemonadeCG, I never suggested that the artist send the files directly. I merely suggested that since the artist has the original files, he could re-post them or re-zip them and fix whatever was wrong. If the artist zipped the files and corrupted them somehow, how would CGTrader fix them? It's the artist's responsibility to upload good files. If not, the artist should be the one to fix the problem. If there is no reply from the artist, then CGTrader should step in and try to see if they can do anything to fix the download. If they can't, the customer's money should be refunded.
Posted over 1 year ago

I agree with TazMan2000. Contact support. In the meantime, if 7zip says it's corrupted, chances are good it is. Perhaps that happened upon download. I'm sure you tried downloading it again?

Posted over 1 year ago

You can contact the artist and let them know the issue. If the artist does not respond with in a couple of days, you can contact to verify if the file is corrupt or not.

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