Missing Models

Discussion started by jff111

I have a problem,  I just can't see the files that I uploaded a month ago, there are about 10 to 12 models missing, and they dont appear in my product list, 

I don't know why, but when I upload the same file with the same name the uploader notices the same  which it says I already uploaded. And the models that i recently uploaded they dont gave me any credits, its a bug?


Posted over 9 years ago

This has happened to me to. Something happens during the upload, and it does something. I don't know what. I just simply rename my models, and re upload them.

Posted over 9 years ago

Yes it happened to me too but it is odd because only two of them disappeared! My latest two models and they were up there for 2 days and then boom gone...

Posted over 9 years ago

I just checked but there are even more missing... some that had been up on the site for years... They are also my only copy of the files... Which means they are lost forever...

Posted over 9 years ago

I have contacted cgtrader the other day because I had the same problem. They told me that they have some issues with the website and the files are going to appear again after fixing it. My model reappeared the same day but I noticed that I have another one missing today :/
Anyway, it's frustrating but the good news is your models are not lost but hidden.

Posted over 9 years ago

I've just checked my product page and noticed about four of my models missing. I don't know how long they have been gone for, as once they are uploaded successfully I normally don't bother checking them, and they are also not showing when I do a GGTrader search which means that they are not being seen by potential buyers and are not available for sale.

Posted over 9 years ago

VERY WEIRD - I have just done a google search for "aluminium trunk 3d Model" and when I clicked on the search result to CGTrader it took me to one of my missing models on CGTrader and yet it is still not showing in my products. I will wait a bit and recheck and hopefully it will reappear when they fix it.

Posted over 9 years ago

I am glad to hear it Hend_Z thanks so much for letting us know :)

Posted over 9 years ago

Looks like the problem has been fixed. All my missing models are back and are visible when searched for.

Posted over 9 years ago

Most of mine are also back but some are just gone... Let's hope they magically re appear later on.

Posted over 9 years ago

The missing models are back again, and they appear in the product list.

Posted over 9 years ago

Hi Guys,

Sorry for any inconvenience caused of that, problem should be solved now, but if you will notice, that some of your models are missing, just let me know.

Posted over 9 years ago

Seems all my models are back except a few. I am not that worried about the low poly ones but please help find the Japanese Girl because it would be a hassle to re build her. I sent some pictures of what she looks like... She has to be in the database...

Posted over 6 years ago

2 account how is that possible? Only in the second account lost all data and my model. Admin does not respond to a request to return.

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