Introducing new royalty system, reputation and levels

Discussion started by ed-cgt

CGTrader development team was focused on community related features this month and now I would like to present you another big improvement which is related to reputation and royalty rates. With this change, which is nicely presented on our blog post, we are aiming to re-activate reputation points system which had no sense before this update. From now on, royalty rates won't be based on complex tier system we had before, but on reputation which is earned by uploading models, selling them, engaging with community and building it by inviting new members. To sum up, reputation now will mean much more and loyal users will have much better rates comparing to non-active ones.

To better understand how reputation points are assigned please see reputation table. Also, please find yourself in level table to check what royalty rate you will have moving forward.

Please try out this new system and share your feedback to help us improve it moving forward.


Posted over 9 years ago

Hi, thanks for these valuable updates. But As Level Table showing we are on 6th Level(Polygon Expert) and there is award of 30 credits. But I have not seen any credit award into my profile.
Can you please tell about this matter?

ed-cgt wrote
Credit awards will be added once new level is reached (starting yesterday when the new system was launched). It means that once you reach 4000 points you will get $40credit award and so on.
3rdimension wrote
Thanks for Information
zaapizoop wrote
I have 2,959+ reputation score and by now i should have had 10+20+30$ in credit awards by now but i haven't had any of that money. I've only received the money from product i've sold. Please help me
Posted over 9 years ago

There is one problem also in reputation points.
In the Reputation Table there are +3pts Reply to topic. As I have replied on your post, My dashboard showing me 0 points Reply to topic.

ed-cgt wrote
This was a small bug that must be fixed already.
Posted over 9 years ago

Everything is all right ,but zero bug in profile views on rating page hurts the eyes.If all have the same problem, it would not be so hurt.

Posted over 9 years ago

This is quite offensive to me... I've worked hard for a year, trying to to get my position on the 1st page of "Designers", and now, suddenly, I'm demoted to the 3rd page?! It actually makes me consider moving to Turbo Squid... :(

Posted over 9 years ago

Don't worry. I'm also reduce in rank, but's its ok. Give the new feature a change.

Posted over 9 years ago

The new royalty system seems to be an improvement over the old price tiers. I am now able to lower most of my model prices which had to previously fit into price tiers. This is a far better and fairer system for both buyers and sellers.

Posted over 9 years ago

Great improvement, thanks.
But now you should consider to show for sellers the credit history. At any moment a seller should be able to see the date and the amount of credits he purchased and the date and the amount of credits he was withdrawn for a purchase. It is hard now to follow the updates in credits and we are constantly doing screenshots for this purpose :(

Posted over 9 years ago

The new royalty system is much better but I would like to be able to set the minimum price of models lower than seven dollars. I personally would like it to go to about two dollars. This is not about lowering prices of models in general it is about allowing people to set prices appropriately for low demand models, which is normal practice in any business. And there is no reason why this should not be fully viable.

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