
Discussion started by bizkit001

Who else is experiencing very little sales?

It has been 2 Months now since my last sale?

Where is the buyers or what is going on????


Posted almost 8 years ago

Market overloaded by cheap models)))

Posted almost 8 years ago

Markets is full of competion . I experienced the same situation time ago. Nonetheless I keep on doing some modeling in my spare time and never throw in the towel as I know that sooner or later someone is ready to buy something.

Never give up and happy sales :))

Posted almost 8 years ago

I'm seeing steep sales increase over last 5 months here on CGtrader and a big drop in sales on my Ts account.

My average sales here is around 10 model a month now as oppose to average of 3 to 4 models couple of months ago.

The relatively expensive models are also doing well, people do seem to pay for the things they need or rely like, so price is not rely the issue.

Maybe you need to differentiate in the type of work you deliver or change marketing strategy's?

It's strange, there is infinite possibility to create, jet most people seem to keep making things that are already plentifully available and compete within same space.

Differentiation and innovation is probably the key.

Exnihilum wrote
Wow, 10/month, you're doing EXTREMELY well for such a small collection. Yet, differentiation and innovation has nothing to do with it. People buy well-known subjects with a wide applicability, which means, everyday objects. Original subjects sell near zero, if ever at all. Better kept for a 3D portfolio, in fact.
iterateCGI wrote
Hum, that's strange because I am experiencing the opposite on my account. My weird/original things actually do sell, but my real world items sell very little to not at all, except for the medical vis items.
Exnihilum wrote
I'm very surprised to hear that. Especially having sold for 10 years both on TS and now here, having the "evidence at hand". Maybe you have a well-visited website with referencing here. Frankly, it's a good month if 3-4 objects are sold on CGTrader. And only about 3-4 items out of a 100 are selling. As it stands, CGTrader sales hardly matter at all.
Posted almost 8 years ago

Yes, I have noticed the increase here as well up to 2 months ago, then all of sudden TS Sales increase again and no sales here again..........

I also think that the tutorials are killing us as well, with designers with the knowledge start sharing how to's and then more people start selling as well, as they see it is not hard to create models, so more people start selling at low prices because they did not have to learn the hard way.....They get the tutorials for free everywhere..... Not that I am saying it is a bad thing, but it is making a market overflow for 3D Designers...........Just my thoughts....

LemonadeCG wrote
Yes, you're totally right. Those damn free tutorials! Why people want to share their knowledge? This makes me sad :[ Also, almost everybody can afford PC and has access to internet now, and once you had PC and internet, you can immediatly start to create cheap models and overflow stock models market... WHY???!!! :[ p.s. seriously, maybe it's time to look at yourself first, instead of blaming others?
Posted almost 8 years ago

How do you mean look at myself???

LemonadeCG wrote
I mean it would better if you'd look at your models and ask yourself, "what can i do to increase my sales", instead of worrying how to ban free tutorials ;]
bizkit001 wrote
I'm not saying ban tutorials, they are good, but at least put a price on them.... It takes a minimum of 10 hours to create a decent tutorial, Should the people not put a price on it.... I will be happy to pay for knowledge...... and at least the person that took the time to teach you, also get something in return.... The more you pay for tutorials the better quality tutorials we will get... I can't learn someone and i will never make a tutorial, but i will pay for a decent tutorial to better my skills.....
bizkit001 wrote
And BTW, Make free tutorials, for 3D Modeling basics, So people can start off with 3D Modeling.... But for the more experienced type of work, tutorials should be charged for....
Posted almost 8 years ago

Haha. Civilization goes to the point of no return without troubles. More people, less avabilities left....

Posted almost 8 years ago

Welcome to the evolution of the Internet Market for 3D models.. 3D models are going the way of Pay to Play online games.. with the abundance of free games (look at facebook) the Pay to Play market went flat about 2 years ago. The key to making money on the free games was advertising and page hits (marketing). I'm not sure how that model could be applied to 3D models but I'm sure some bright person will figure something out.

Posted almost 8 years ago

Dude, the "very little sales" have been going on for 3-4 years now, at least. Welcome to reality.
And all the undercutters wasting their own and others time don't help either.
3D stock market has never been a source of income worth a dime (except for larger firms with bigger undercutting muscle), but one could make some good pocket cash off one's 3D portfolio back before 2011:s.
Look for a real job, not this. Personally I'm aiming for a programmer job, this half-dead stock market is really not worth to waste even one more hour of a lifetime.
I'm not blaming CGTrader, they sell what they can. But quality models for 10 bucks? Really?

Posted almost 8 years ago

Just don't hang on to old habits that don't work and resist change, keep asking yourself how you can make things work without closing off and taking blame on external factors you cannot control anyways, then things will probably work out fine.

Make sure to stay open minded because its way to easy to get closed minded.

Maybe this is just not your thing and you need to move on (like you say do programming or whatever?)

There is plenty of traffic and customers over here and all over the place, you are just not able to catch them or provide them what they like or need right now.

You say 10 years experience, but that obviously duos not guarantee better results if you keep doing things that don't work for over 10 years right?

It's not external factors folks, sorry to report this.

External factors can indeed have effects but then again its usually possible to work around them or in many case use them to your own advantage.

Exnihilum wrote
Define "old habits". If stopping making models for a market sliding downhill is old habits, then I'm on the right track. The external factors are insurmountable, no point in dealing with that. If I was living in, say, India, it wouldn't have mattered much, but EVEN THEN it would be a joke. A bad one, at that. Define "change". What has changed? The quadrupling of the model stock and the division by four of the price? Yes, I can see that. It hasn't been my thing since 1993, and even a bit earlier than that, thank you very much. There is no "plenty of customers" and people with 10x to 100x bigger stocks than mine have complained about it, I kind'a think they have a better perspective on this.
Posted almost 8 years ago

I think that its all raw theory. Real things are more unhappy, but you are right in most topics)

Posted almost 8 years ago

@ Exnihilum, You pointed out to have difficulty to believe that someone ells can have good or better results with a smaller collection, you also point out that +10 years of experience must bring indisputable right perspective on things right?

(That looks like a close mindedness trap is it not?)

Also others in similar situation are complaining so that is better perspective, how does that actually work?
Sounds a bit like reinforcing one's own negativism?

I really have no reason to lie about my results ok, I'm also very sorry to hear it does not work out for you and maybe some others here, but that does not mean other realty's do exist, because I'm actually experiencing another reality over here, for me it works out fine and unique designs work better for me then real world items, but for some that may be other way around, it all depends.

For some, selling 3D stock media may work and for others it probably may not, I have no real answers regarding the why and feel not in position to lecture anyone about it. Also sorry if I may have drawn some wrong conclusion/insinuations about habits that don't work and maybe resistance to change them (don't take it personally it's really not my intention to offend anyone).

Indeed I have fewer models and are doing it as little over 2 years, but it seems to work well for me
(hope it remains so or ells I to have to take note and change actions/strategy or do something ells, but for now it works fine).

I just want to also add my version/perspective to this conversation so that general perception can somewhat remain neutral here, because otherwise this could get a bit single sided and some that start out and read these complains here may think it's all very bad here in 3D stock media land, but that is not the case (some may experience this differently).

There are actually opportunity's if you can see or find them.

And obviously best times for 3D stock media are ahead.

Also let us admit, it's very easy to collect all the negative story's right?
(complaining is easy or may I not call it this whey?)

It probably does not sever anyone including yourself?

It indeed may takes some seriously hard work to get good results, if passion runs low and feelings it's not word the efforts get strong then this business (or any ells)will take you down (if the flame of passion burns out then you either best reignite the fire or seek other passion).

Focusing on 3D stock media development involves allot of different aspects, part R&D, part product development, part production, part product presentation and placement + label representation, part marketing, etc.

If some of these parts fail then things can probably go wrong.

It is also important to have a longer term plan (because future remains uncertain and change is always upon us), an adapting vision on where things need to go and good strategy on how to go ahead it are crucial factors.

Bay the way's, some complaints here are going about overload's of good free models and very low prized high level quality models, doesn't that sound like perfect time to do something with that?

Good 3D used to be very expensive stuff and now it's not, that creates new opportunity's right?

We have over 7 billion people on this planet, so there is obviously always a group that can be served.
For example, if one is good with 3D software then he can maybe make good educational visualizations with all these inexpensive or free 3D models or whatever (just to mention one opportunity out of infinite).

Posted almost 8 years ago

to increase sales maybe need to find a gap in the 3d market. Then try to find out what the consumer would like which is not available . this might help increase your sales

free 3d model available to dowload for commercial use

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