Project has been prepaid but the money is not showing on my dashboard earnings

Discussion started by xerxes6696

so i got a job offer that i have accepted
the client prepaid it but when I check to verify on my dashboard earnings
it doesnt show at all.
whenever I get prepaid by previous clients it always shows up on my earnings
is this a bug or did the client somehow take back the money?
if its the latter is there somehow to verify this?

Thank You.


Posted 10 months ago

Prepaid money are held by cgtrader and will not show in your balance until the project is marked as finished. The only verification of prepayment is the email sent to you by cgtrader.

xerxes6696 wrote
Oh what that's weird I swear the prepaid stuff appears on my earnings but maybe my previous clients prepaid then verified instantly or something along those lines
LemonadeCG wrote
You can contact the support and ask to verify the fact of prepayment. I did 200 projects on this platform and never, not even once, the money was available before the project is completed.

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