more than one seller account?

Discussion started by cudd

Hi, is it possible to have more than one seller account i.e. multiple accounts with the same payment account details? I'm considering this as I have friends and family asking to see what I make and sell and I don't want them to see Everything i sell, so want to have another seller account which sells completely different genre of stuff.


Posted over 5 years ago

Well I think you should not be ashamed of your work, and if that embarrasses you, do not do it, make other models that you can feel proud of, with your own style.

I think that allowing several accounts per user, would help cheaters camouflage themselves better, and instead of having an account with 12,000 models and lose them all if they are discovered, they could have 12 accounts with 1,000 models each.

Posted over 5 years ago

Just checked your profile and yeah I understand why you dont want them to see everything x)
Anyway I don't really know, I searched on Internet and found nothing but I guess you can, I mean I don't see anything against it, except that CGT will have to make multiple transfers to the same bank account

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