How many views per sale?

Discussion started by Yamato3d

Hey guys/gals, I was wondering how many views does it take to make a sell of a model?

Is there a correlation?


Posted over 2 years ago

Hi there,

A more important what the models you are selling.

You can have a lot of views and still have almost no sales, and of course, the lower the prices for the models, the more competition.

At the same time if you pay attention to the quality of models, don't trying to enter a crowded niche (jewelry for example), and with relatively few views, you can have sales.


Posted over 2 years ago

There's no direct correlation between views and sales, but naturally, the more views your models will get, the more chances rae that someone will buy them. Other factors are very important as well, like high demand for particular model, good quality, clear presentation and reasonable price. Cgtrader offers you some analytics tools that shows how well (or bad) your models are performing. Go to analytics>my models and sort the list by conversion - the higher conversion percentage of particular model is, the better it is performing. Anything above 1% can be considered as good performing model and anything above 4-5% is excellent achievement.

Yamato3d wrote
Thanks for the answer. So the rate is 1-5 sells per 100 views. Or 20-100 views per sale.
Posted over 2 years ago

There's no such thing as standard rate. If you're getting 1-5 sales per 100 views, then you know, that your model is performing well. If you're getting 1 sale per each 300-500 views, then it might be that your model is underperforming, or it is in overcrowded category, or has low demand.

That is only my personal opinion, based on my personal experience. There is more in depth analysis of sales/views ratio written somewhere in the forum, or in the blog by the cgtrader staff, but it's several years old now and can be hard to find and maybe even obsolete by now.

Yamato3d wrote
Yeah, it all comes to quality/price ratio in the end. But these approximate numbers are helpful.
Yamato3d wrote
Just sold my first model at 18 views. The prediction was not far from it. I guess the price is a bit low too, which played a role.
Posted over 2 years ago

There is no correlation, think more on what value your model gives, and if the technical part of it is suitable for an actual buyer, does your model settings cover a real need of a possible customer? If so, then you just need time to close sales in the future. Don´t pay attention on views, put attention on your intent, your talent as 3d artist and search for real type of customers needs

Yamato3d wrote
2arturodi, I agree with you.

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