Electric Guitar with animated glass model

Discussion started by Mortifila


Can you just check it if you want you can buy it I think its worth to pay such a this cost


Posted almost 3 years ago

Mortifila, don't render with a black background, it is impossible to see any details and how the glass material look like.
In a scene with translucent material, you need to work more with light. Show the customer reflection and refraction. Also describe what material you have used, witch render engines it work with and so on.

Mortifila wrote
now can you check
jonjensen wrote
Yes much better:-)
Posted almost 3 years ago

It looks awesome, but I’m not sure about $25... I’m sorry but I think something like $15 or maybe $20 would bring in more customers. But I think it looks great!

Mortifila wrote
oh ok I will change the cost
newrazor99 wrote
Oh well you didn’t have to do TEN, and I don’t charge anything for any of my models so I don’t have that much experience with pricing or sales, I just thought $25 was a little much. But I hope the price drop will bring in customers! Good luck!
Mortifila wrote
sorry I dont want to make -1 anyway thank you

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