Custom license questions

Discussion started by arturius7


I’m about to hire a freelancer for custom 3D model project using custom 3D modeling service which is available on the cgtrader, but the thing is I need a custom license, which will grant me the full ownership and authority over ordered 3D model:
A. I can modify this model in any way I want
B. I can use it my artworks in any manner I want
C. I can use it commercially and sell end product with this model such as posters and merch without any royalties

As I understand, we can do it with a custom license, correct?

If so:
1. Who is responsible for custom license draw and application?
2. In which step of cooperation with a freelancer there will be an option to draw, review and approve custom license?
3. Are there already templates for such licenses?

What else should I consider when drawing up such a license?

Any suggestion would be very helpful, thanks!


Posted 6 months ago

There's no need (and you are not allowed) to exchange documents outside CGT. You can write a contract and exchange it through CGT messages.

Posted 6 months ago

Write up a contract, get the artist to sign it and you are good to go. Standard business practise basically.

arturius7 wrote
Thank you for your suggestion, it seems that you are pointing to use contracts outside the cgtrader platform? Like paper or pdf contract via mail/email? I was expecting that this kind of operations are already implemented on the cgtrader platform in few clicks, like dropdown, choose custom license and so on...
3DCargo wrote
You can google "custom license cgtrader" ( ). It also lists on that page links to the other license types, but yes a "custom" license is just that, its customized to your situation: "We also always suggest buyers to discuss the usage". You can certainly make it simpler if you wish (within the portal/message system), as long as all parties agree to the terms and conditions before the work begins and you have a paper trail. I would also advise you contact cgtrader to get further clarification on the process since this is just my opinion and if you want to ensure you are following the process correctly only they can give you that information.

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