criticize me please

Discussion started by erdenay


Posted about 2 years ago

Hi there,

Add more renders from different angles.
In addition, it will be even better if you additionally make renders with a wardrobe in different interiors.

Delete all duplicate clothes and shoes this very spoils the render with its unrealism and reduces the cost of the model.
It immediately gives the impression that the model was made quickly without minimal effort, as a result, there is no desire to buy it even at such a low price.

If you fill the wardrobe with things different in color, texture, seasons, the model will become much more attractive.

Best regards

erdenay wrote
thank you so much for ur valuable comments I will consider
Posted about 2 years ago

i like everything but the clothes. They look like they are are for a child. All exactly the same and arranged with military precision...and white.
Perhaps you can get away with the exact same outfit in different colours, but the exact same outfit several times in white, just looks creepy.

erdenay wrote
thank u so much for ur comment

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