Bat Monster Low-poly 3D model

Discussion started by VKGamedev

High quality character, ready to be implemented in your game. Optimized for high frame rates and rigged.

Game ready. Low-Poly. Rigged. Animated. 4K textures. LOD.

Package included: mesh with animation and skeleton, textures, Marmoset scene, Blender project file, Unity3d and Unreal project.

LOD 0 - Verts: 25 941, Edges: 52 184, Faces: 26 244, Tris: 51 830;

LOD 1 - Verts: 7 276, Edges: 21 787, Faces: 14 512, Tris: 14 512;

LOD 2 - Verts: 3 087, Edges: 9 229, Faces: 6 143, Tris: 6 143.

Included 14 animation:

Idle (3); Atack (3); Dead (2); Get hit (2); Walk (2); Run and more.

Rigg that works with a hymanoid avatar and unreal skeleton. Ready to use in Unity3d and Unreal.


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