Ability to filter designs for commercial use - 3D print

Discussion started by thealux

Hi, there are a lot of assets etc that would help me to modify, speed up my designs or to simply buy a model I can already print and sell - painted or clear. BUT the page does not offer a reliable or any option to filter based on license.. I got really tired of going through the uploads with "custom license" .. some allow it some not ... Can there be a filter where I simply select "for commercial use" and everything that shows up is actually that? Thanks :)


Posted 6 months ago

There is a reason why things are the way they are, obviously you are not allowed to sell physical copies of 3d print models and as you mentioned, the only way that can be done is via custom license , and since you didn't provide any details about profit share from selling physical models, I have to assume that you are talking about buying model once and than sell milions of physical copies of it... Can you guess when will artists allow that ?

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