Report 3D stock media use cases here

Discussion started by iterateCGI

One of my followers recently pointed out some of my stock media work was visible in the intro of Netflix series “The 100”, season 6 in particular (

At second 7 into the intro this one ( is seen scattered over the landscape in the foreground, and at second 20 this one ( is visible up on a cliff.

Just want to brag a little about it and at same time provide nice examples of 3D stock media use cases.

Also came across this case here (
This model ( was used throughout the game in several scenes.

This game uses the same one (

Also this game used a modified version of it (

Its kind of sad we need to find out about these cases via followers or coincidental encounters so I figured making this into a discussion and collection point for these cases.

Just go ahead here and brag about your own cases and also report if you discover someone else's work in some production. Maybe your a 3D stock media customer yourself?...Great, in that case feel free to showcase the work you created using the models you purchased on CGtrader.

There still are people who believe studios mainly produce all art in house and need exclusive ownership on the designs, these types of cases clearly show times have changed and lots of studios use 3D stock in some way or form.


Posted about 4 years ago

What do you mean with "Its kind of sad we need to find out about these cases"

iterateCGI wrote
That lots of people buy the 3D stock models but we almost never get to see or know how they are used (the use cases). Like in my example I happen to get to know by surprise via some follower that noticed it and points me out, etc. It just appears to be normal people don't tell how they used it, that's kind of sad. It gets in some game, video, TV series or movie but you just don't know, occasionally you find out and that's it. Probably most don't care about it but I kind of like to know because when I find out such cases it boost my motivation and it provides meaningful info. For example, in The 100 intro I see it would have been better to have provided some separate clusters of different growth stages of that plant. I need to take this into account when modeling that stuff beforehand. Its also just nice to see it fit onto a scene like that, makes you think how it could be done better. Questions like, what could I have provided more that could have made that scene better, etc.

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