Question about the Royalty Free License

Discussion started by acouchy

I can't find an answer as to whether or not you can take a .stl design to use in 3D printing, alter it and sell the altered file with the Royalty Free License.

Examples... If I use a rabbit model (the whole body) and use only head to make it into a pendant by adding it to a base with a jump ring? Or what if I use the entire rabbit model and attach it to a bowl?



Posted over 1 year ago

Oh sorry, I misread your question. I thought you want to sell prints, not altered files. That's definitely NOT allowed.

Posted over 1 year ago

Head - pendant I would say no, but model attached to a bowl could fall under incorporated product which is allowed.
Even tho it's not a totally legit way, you can always ask a seller if he is OK with your particular use case.

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