Price offers increase

Discussion started by LemonadeCG

Does anybody else noticed unusual increase in price offerings? I used to get 5-6 price offers in a year, now i get the same amount of offers in a month. Vast majority of them offers maximum allowed price reduction in 50%, but since i never agree to give more than 30% discount, many offers leads nowhere. I feel that more and more it becomes just a waste of time. I almost lost hope that cgtrader will ever give us an option to set ceiling for price offers by ourselves. Is it really, turning off all discount iniciatives, is the only option for a seller who don't want sell everything for a $2, like in flea market?


Posted over 4 years ago


Posted about 5 years ago

prices have to be reduced because there are very low but if your models are good then few people will look at it

Posted about 5 years ago

This may be not only because you do not accept 50%. I always accept any offering even 50%. Some times people ask for a discount, I approve the offering and then ... nothing happens. A year ago it seams that every accepted offering led to a sale.

I don't think that it is something bad or good it is just how it works. Price offering is rather a good option.

Posted about 5 years ago


AI has first to replace a much more basic jobs. Frontend web design is the most perfect candidate for AI, and you still don't see robots making websites. I can see AI helping us, that would be neat; for example smart generators that use AI for software like substance painter. Maybe one day they will be able to replace us, but by then all of as will be loooong gone.

iterateCGI wrote
Yes, AI technology’s has lots of benefits for making difficult tasks more easy, they will become powerful tools for expression and aide us in understanding more complex stuff. Personally I do not believe it will replace humans, it will augment us.
Posted about 5 years ago

This Ai is already nasty for me ... it reminds the Matrix movie....

Posted about 5 years ago

Probably the biggest problem you have is competing in overcrowded category's. People in there are dumping stuff for a few busks because they fear losing ranking to others. For example there are 807 pages of chairs, 53 pages of toilets, 200 pages of lighting, etc. People see this and get a feeling having nothing to lose, they have 800 pages so they can keep looking for the best deal.

If you focus more on making stuff where keywords for it show less pages then lots of problems probaly get solved.

I sold 17 models so far this month, one client did a price offer. Sold 25 in February, didn't get a single price offer. Last know price offer was one in 2018-05-12 one in 2018-05-23 and one in 2018-04-10.

I believe this is due to having models that have less competition, therefore clients feel less entitled to getting a discount.

Honestly, when I see items for 2 dollars and some of the same for 20 dollars I somehow feel the 20 dollar item needs to be 10 times better, it invokes some entitlement towards getting a discount when it is not. Maybe its not logic but this feeling is just there, it probably has something to do with some predigest towards a possible differences in efficiency regarding the makers. So in this case the one offering it for 2 dollars is somehow way more efficient in making the goods. It sounds maybe mad but I believe this is at some level a feeling lots of people have.

Anyways, CGtrader provides advanced analytics to find the keywords that have less items but still good demand and perceptual value.

LemonadeCG wrote
Thanks for your answer. I'm not competing with chairs or similar stuff. I know that furniture category is a lost one. Those models are mostly leftovers from my commissioned jobs and other projects. I dumped them here just in case, but of course they almost never sells. I have certain set of models that sells... correction, used to sell well, but since last year's November, things started to roll down the hill pretty fast. Sales dropped significantly, price offers of 50% came more and more frequently, even bypasers engagement with the models became almost non existant. Too bad there's no way to precisely track model views on cgtrader anymore, i suspect that views dropped off pretty badly too. I have a bad feeling that something bad is happening with my profile and i'm pretty sure that it isn't global thing, as i see many seller, that are doing very well lately.
iterateCGI wrote
I believe category's for regular real world items are overflowing, the amount of stuff is exceeding the demand. If someone ells makes 2 or 3 more sales then those items get to the front page and others in effect get more pushed to the back. This happens in all sectors of sales, when demand is lower then supply, prices fall flat on the supply and vise versa. Also consider time is almost to the point regular smartphones become capable of producing 3D models of any real world object and with the help of AI its going to become child splay soon. AI will be able to look at images and just reproduce a 3D object out of it, and not just with some bad topology. Its less of a problem with artistic designs (the design having its value, not the 3D model) but at some point in time even that will probably get pointless as new AI technology's will make it possible to mix some images and generate amazing designs and create the 3D models on the fly. In not so distant future probably everyone having a Pinterest account will potentially be an artists, it will become a process of visual selections. It reminds me I need to keep track with latest technology's and keep adapting/evolving in order to be able to understand the new world and be able to participate in it. In a way its also sad because when your not following on the edge your basically left standing there. At some point society probably needs to address a growing gap of people that have a hard time adapting to the new realty's. Bud then again if you think about it that also creates new opportunity's.
Posted about 5 years ago


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