pbr fence game ready fence

Discussion started by 512pixel

marmoset simple fence with a normal map ....would i t be better towrtie the different render engines on my images to show how the pbr showing different in render engines like marmoset substance painter......... showin with right lighting you can th result you want in you game engine


Posted over 3 years ago

not sure if you hit pirate English in the translator by mistake but marmoset is a real-time render engine, so I don't see why you need anything else other than marketing images for different lighting scenarios... which you can also emulate in marmoset. at the end of the day its up to you how you present your work, pbr should look the same regardless of engine in the same lighting scenario.

512pixel wrote
ray is showing better results rember gaphic card does make difference on transparancy
Posted over 3 years ago

show sample i would .. my graphics card outdated in substance painter

512pixel wrote
i upload some sample i show metal refecltion dirffernece ,,,, with same pbr in different render engines
Posted over 3 years ago

@512 if your graphics card is outdated that is your problem you should rectify. Otherwise the whole point of PBR is to standardize the materials/texturing pipeline so that the materials have the same appearance in all render engines that support it. I output my PBR content and it looks the same in 3dsmax, c4d, blender, unreal engine, marmoset, etc.

3DCargo wrote
@512, if your graphics card is working fine and it does look different in different from substance to marmoset (with the same lighting setup) then you have done something wrong. You have to ensure your technical pipeline is correct, ensuring directx engines interpret opengl normals correctly, gamma correction for gloss/rough/normal/height etc. Some engines bake with inbuilt gamma some dont etc. You should be checking these things and include them in the description so the buyer knows how to use the assets correctly for their pipeline.

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