Model got suspended

Discussion started by PinGreen

Recently my Katana model got suspended for reasons unknown to me. Can anyone help me out, they might have thought I uploaded the free model from talamander but I actually followed his course for it. If the reason is different I have no idea why.


Posted over 2 years ago

Hi there,

I can see that you have already got in touch with our support team.
Hopefully you will resolve this issue quickly.

Greta from CGTrader

PinGreen wrote
Yes thank you, it is resolved and I had to delete the model sadly
tobiasrieper wrote
@PinGreen Yes its really good that Cgt support do their job and remove stolen models, that makes cgt a lot better place, too bad that they allow name changing, but even with that thieves wont be here unotice. Oh, and i forgot, topic reporting, now report this topic also in order to hide fact that you are the thief.
Posted over 2 years ago

Send your question here:

Forum users cannot help you with that.

PinGreen wrote
Yes I also sent a mail but I put it up on forum because I saw some of the members from cgtrader support team commenting on forum.

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