How do I properly transfer displacement maps from zBrush to Maya?

Discussion started by vtmgll01

(I apologize If I'm doing something wrong in this post. It's my first time here.)


what am I doing wrong here?

I'm trying to model something simple in Maya, and with zbrush I'll add details.

I've look up in a couple of tutorials how to export the
displacement map back to Maya, but when I do it, the map is misplaced,
bloated etc.

if someone could help me with that would solve a problem that I'm having for a while now.


Posted about 2 years ago

In your displacement shader in hypershade, try to play with the middle value and the displacement value.
Can you send me the map and file in a we transfer ?

Posted about 2 years ago

As far as understand it Displacement maps use grey scale values for black to white and all greys values in between. So black is usually no displacement and pure white is the most displacement. Grey values in between give you different amounts of displacement. If you look at the map you exported from zbrush all the parts you don't want displaced should be black and the areas you want should be values of grey or white. Sorry I don't use Maya I'm a Max user so it should be, in theory the same! You could try adding a colour correction node to your displacement map in Maya and alter the contrast and saturation. Hope that helps!

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