Newbie question ¿size of models?

Discussion started by gekkonidae

Hello, I am Carlos from Spain, I have just registered. I am a self-learning 3d designer. I have worked with 3dmax, Zbrush and Blender. But most of the last years I have used Blender exclusively. Learned using several books and dvd from the blender foundation.

I´d like to know what size must be the models if I want to sell one here. I presume there are lot of different 3dprinters and specifications. ¿Must I suppose that the buyer knows how to re-scale the model to fit his neeeds?

In the case of jewels, I see many of them with the gems on, but you don´t print the gems. Again I must presume the buyer knows how to remove the gems and leave only the part that will be melted in metal?

Or these models show the gems just for presentation and visualization of the look of the final product?

Thanks for any answer.

PD:sorry, I think this post should have been posted in " Selling/Buying 3d models". You can move it if you need.


Posted almost 10 years ago

At least make m 1:1 scale, to provide yourcustomers with an acturate starting-point > if they want to change that to something not-realistic, then they can do that themselves.
Seems obvious to me, actually.

Gems/ additions: Probably obvious again: Either supply them in separate file (same scale/ same position) or make sure they're part of the main model > no space between the walls: ie. gems need to be wall-less and integrated in the main structure.
And as an option, deliver 1 file without gems and one with gems (properly) integrated; WHo knows, maybe they DO want them in there and just paint them.

Anyway: I'm all for being as prescient as possible.

Hope this helps.

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