how is growth of 3d printing in your country ? are you interested to 3d print ? give us ideas

Discussion started by sinancisco

hello every one

i need to know how is how is growth of 3d printing in your country ? are you interested to 3d print ?

we need this poll and if you print some goods in 3d printer because we start design 3d models and must increase this new generation industry - every one please tell me your story - lets know your experiment with 3d print - how do find 3d print whats your favorate kinds of 3d models to be printed give me examples .



Posted almost 8 years ago

Seems slower then I thought, it is still $500+ to get a hobby 3d printer in Canada. There are some 3d print shops around in the big cities. I mainly use it to 3d print custom models to use in Warhammer, I do enjoy the practical 3d prints, like cord holders, ipad stands, etc, just needs more imaginations for more creative solutions.

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