Free Halloween Gift (3D Printing)

Discussion started by Trigonum-VR


Posted over 1 year ago

Love the high poly details

Posted about 2 years ago

Great job! Congrats!

Posted over 2 years ago

It looks like a lot of work for free, but having things for free helps build a good reputation when people want more from you. I am not familiar with Warhammer, so anything I say about that would be useless, but it does look like something created in Z-Brush.
I know there might be other program that can do that, because a free program called Hexagon can do it, but with that program it would need a very high poly count and that would crash the program, so brushing shapes with displacement brush is not what that program is good at, but it is possible to brush in shapes, textures, and colors all at the same time. I just know this is what Z-Brush is know for.
Nice work, and a good offering. I hope it attracts a lot of attention for you.

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