This is a game ready Ural 375 Truck model. It was designed specifically for use in games or other real-time visualizations.
Originally modeled in 3DS Max 2015. The normal map was baked from a high poly model, making this product look very detailed without using many polygons.
The main renders and wireframes were done in Marmoset Toolbag 2.
File Formats: .max for 3ds Max 2015, .fbx, and .obj
22155 Total Verts
Polygons are all quads or tris, no n-gons
Model unwrapped manually to make most efficient use of the UV space
Model scaled to approximate real world size (inches)
Dimensions: W:124'' x L:290'' x H:105''
Model centered at the origin
All textures, materials and objects named appropriately
Tested in Marmoset Toolbag 2
Tested in Unreal Engine 4
No special plug-ins needed to use this product
.obj and .fbx versions exported from 3ds Max 2015