Girl real-time, virtual reality 3D Model. Rendered in marmoset toolbag 3.08 and blender 2.92.
Features: Model is placed to 0,0,0 scene coordinates. The model is efficiently UV unwrapped. Model built to real-world scale: 159 cm. Every parts of the model named properly.
Package includes:
*Maya 2020.2 scene (MB, MA) : Only the 3d model.
*Maya 2015 scene (MB, MA) : Only the 3d model.
*Scene blender 2.92: includes model, textures, materials, and lighting study.
*Marmoset toolbag 3.08 scene: includes model, textures, materials, and lighting study as seen in the preview images.
*FBX 2013.
*FBX 2018.
*Textures: The size of the textures range from 512x512 to 4096x4096 depending on the object.
Texture format: PNG, most of the textures are in metallic / roughness.
Note: Does not contain rig or animation.
Faces: 24,563 Triangles: 47,778 Verts: 26,489
The objects are all modeled separately. *Body(full nude). *Eyes (including Tearline, eyelashes). *Hair. *Underwear. *Teeth-gum-tongue. *Glasses. *Sharks.