
Discussion started by SmartCgArt



Posted over 7 years ago

That's true (still), but I hope I will be saying that's not the case anymore in the near future!

Posted over 7 years ago

Lets hope so. Although your bugs have tendency to reapear time to time, so... :]

Posted over 7 years ago

Hi guys,

Thanks for voicing your concern. It looks like a one-time bug, we fixed the issue. Licenses should not change again, so no need for a newly-found phobia.:)


Posted over 7 years ago

The problem with licences that magically chage themselves is very annoying. It infested many of my models. I corrected all licences one by one, but it's very time consuming process and i developed some kind of phobia since - can't stop checking status of licences, affraid that it may change again :[

Posted over 7 years ago

Hi Eddie!
Thank you for your reply!
The problem with the strange sizes has been fixed now! And the product Images are all OK now!

There's now another problem instead: many models have now an Editorial License, but they have been set all as General License and they are General License!

This product is just an example, it was originally a General License and it is a General License but for some reason the License changed by itself into Editorial License (!?). Why?:
Let us know!
Do we have to re-edit all the products one by one with the original correct License?

Thank you for your assistance and your support!
Best regards!

Posted over 7 years ago

Hi there,

Sorry for a late reply - could you post some screenshots of the problem?
You can do it if you click "edit" on this topic or by a PM and we'll take a look.

Eddie, CGTrader

SmartCgArt wrote
I've added a new Post on the Self-Changing Licenses here below. You can see Image of the self-changing General License into Editorial License (!?) in the original post! Thank you for assistance! Best regards! SmartCgArt

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