Question about license.

Discussion started by pao44445

Hi, I want to get started in selling 3D model, my main field is automotive, however I am wondering about the license, if I create an existing car model, do I have the right to sell it when I am not the one who designs the car in the first place?


Posted over 3 years ago

Understand the legality of the copyright law.
You simply need 20% divination from the original design.
Color, wheel types, exhaust position left right or both.
Sunroof, cabriolet, steering side.
Depending on the level of detail, you can change it to a point that even suspension does not look anything like the original.
The main thing is the body that will attract most attention. If body is similar, they will start digging deeper and its not the scary part. The scary part is when it attracts attention of the wrong people.
So body change is the most critical. Everything else is going to be very different anyway.

Add spoilers, change tires, come up with logos that are not even remotely close to what you are making. Lamborghini horse turn into beer bottle for example or a smiley face.
Its not that hard actually.

Look up all existing variations of the vehicle you want to re-create and then make small tweaks like

Posted about 4 years ago

Technically you have to get permission from IP owner to sell 3D models that use existing branding. Unfortunately this is practically impossible for individuals, so most just slaps editorial license on their models and hopes for the best. However this not makes selling these models any more legal, with editorial license basically you just inform a buyer that he is not free to use purchased model in any other way, except educational.

You can remove all branding from the model and change car shape to make it less recognisable. This will make you feel slightly safer, but if model is still recognisable enough, you can still get in trouble. The risk is small, but not zero. Your best bet is to make completely fictional models. It's very likely that they will be selling less, but you will be trully safe from legal actions against you.

pao44445 wrote
I thought that I can create a model of any car and sell it like the others, thank you for your answer.

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