Payment Agreement being reviewed for a month now

Discussion started by EdytheCross3D


Would like to ask how long does it take for the payment agreement to be approved.
I've already sold 10 models and still cant withdraw because of the pending approval.

Its been a month now.

Hopefully you can provide solution for this.



Posted almost 4 years ago

Hi there,

Thank for reaching out.

I have answered your question via private message. You provided us the wrong information, that's why it takes so long.

Usually, Payment Agreement is reviewed within 2 weeks.

Take care,
Agota from CGTrader

EdytheCross3D wrote
Thank you for replying. I wasn't able to receive the private message or i just missed it. I don't know why my Identification number wrong. I copied the number from my TIN ID. Can you recheck again? I resubmitted another one. Thank you so much for replying. Let me know if i missed anything.

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