no preview images

Discussion started by RealtimeModels

always the same issue on cgt, no matter if uploading new contents or re-editing and uploading new previews, no matter if jpg, jpeg or png, no matter if 8 bit or 16, no matter if in the day or in the night, always, always, always the same BS on cgt with missing preview images... remember when practically 70% of all store wide preview images where gone? did cgt really fixed that bug? doubt it!


Posted 9 months ago

partially fixed now, but all other items are still affected, missing 3 of 10 images or even 1 of 10. Applies for all items when editing or adding or chaning some images.

LemonadeCG wrote
Did you contacted the support for this issue specifically, or just rant on the forum was enough? I published couple new models more than a week ago, one of them has missing preview images. I was hoping that this will fix itself after some time, but it looks that nobody cares to fix the issue globally at cgtrader.
RealtimeModels wrote
All items can be affected, anytime, when you edit an item or upload a new one. It is a major bug and it seems it´s not fixed at all. Of course I contacted them but I get always and every time the same answers. The questions remain, WHY I have still to contact them every time images were gone and are missing? is this my bug or cgt´s bug that isn´t fixed since 1 year? why isn´t this bug fixed since 1 year? and why implementing new very discutable "features" on cgt instead of providing a stable platform and fixing existing bugs first? In my opinion cgt goes a wrong way.

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