negative review of deleted model

Discussion started by rida-karaki

hello, i have a negative review of a model i posted long time ago and then delete, is it possible to remove this rating since the model is deleted?


Posted 9 months ago

Wouldn't it be cheating? One could remove the model, get rid of negative review and next day re-upload the same model again. From a buyer's perspective i would feel cheated to see that my reviews might be easily removed at seller's will.

rida-karaki wrote
i mean i had some models posted already longtime ago, then i re-did everything from scratch by deleting the existing ones and uploading new better ones. Why should a negative or positive review stay of a model that is deleted?
Posted 9 months ago

Because it encourages seller, not just simply delete the model and re-publish it, but to try to contact unsatisfied buyer and offer him help in trying to solve the issue. Think about this - you have deleted old model, fixed the issues and published it as a new model, but your customer was left with the old, potentially useless model with no access to better model. Do you really think it would be fair to also delete negative review, like if you'd redeemed yourself? If on the other hand you would reach the customer, offer him to fix the flaws in exchange in positive review, that would benefit both of you. I think it's only fair that reviews of deleted models are staying on your record.

rida-karaki wrote
no i did reply to him and resent him an updated file, I mean if i knew it would stay i would have basically started a new account. Sometimes as a beginner in selling 3d you need to experiment a bit to know what works and what does not, what sells and what not. So I think it would be fair also to have some reviews removed especially when action was taken regarding the matter.
3DCargo wrote
I have to agree with @LemonadeCG on this one. Just to highlight/repeat - I certainly agree that deleting your old model was not the best choice, I would also update the model and contact/provide the customer that new model. This way any future customers get the updated version and any previous customers too. As you mentioned @rida-karaki if you didn't know when learning then that would be a good way to rectify. You could then contact the customer as @LemonadeCG mentioned and try to come to a compromise regarding the review. If the compromise is not satisfactory even if you fixed all the issues you can then raise this with CGTrader support, I'm sure they would be glad to rectify the bad review if all the standards are up to par and you delivered what you promised... even if it was a little late.

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