Malicious client refusing to pay. can i get the money they prepaid for?

Discussion started by chinoparrilla27

I have a client that took advantage of me after I had sent them project files and I am afraid after
investing a lot of time into a very difficult project that I am severely underpaid for (but I accepted because I desperately need the funds.)
will now get nothing out of my hard work. can anyone please help me?
I would like to believe that CGtrader has rules that protect the integrity of their freelancers and that justice will be served to this malicious person.


Posted 8 months ago

Yes, there are rules and you'll get the funds if you've followed the rules.
Contact CGT and send them link to the project. They will check the situation...

Posted 8 months ago

Regardless of how you feel that you’ve been taken advantage of, you agreed to do the project. If the client changed the requirements after the fact, then you should have exited the project and reported it. But if the project was clear from the beginning and you didn’t have the expertise to complete it and turned in substandard work, even though you spent a lot of time on it, you technically didn’t hold up your end of the agreement.

For example, if I contracted you to move a pile of rocks from point A to point B and you moved them to point C you didn’t do what was contracted of you even though you spent a lot of time and effort moving the rocks. Then saying I didn’t pay you enough and took advantage of you because you needed the money is a lame excuse.

I’m not saying the client or right or wrong or you. I’m just pointing out that your feelings or the clients feelings will not have any bearing on the facts. There are always at least two sides to every story.

In any case, support will review the issue and make their decision.

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