Is there a live chat Technical Support?

Discussion started by malevolent-king

I'm having an issue with a purchaser.  The Limitations of the Purchaser's 3d modelling program prevents her from loading in nurbs objects and she's screaming refund.  I told her that I can't anticipate every limitation of every program of every user out there, but it also seems like she either doesn't read her mail or she has so much mail my message got lost, eitherway I received a Support email from her even though I explained issue wasn't with the model as if she didn't read my reply at all.  Partly, I'm wanting to ensure she didn't get her refund, because it's not fair to me, seeing as how she still has a copy of my model.

My reply to her

ey flicka, I think I understand your issue. Does C4D support nurbs? The handles are nurbs objects. I opened up the scene in Maya and they appear just fine, but unsure if the program you currently possess supports nurbs objects. If you have a trial version of 3ds max, maya, you should be able to convert those into polygons. They are nurbs objects preferably due to ease of uv layout using the repeating textures I provided. All assets are in the file, I apologize for the inconvenience, it is difficult to anticipate the technical limitations of the various 3d programs out there. So I won't offer refunds because the complete model is in there, the limitations of the program you're using is what keeps you from porting in the model. Quite possible there is a plug in for nurbs objects in C4D as well. I hope this clears up the misunderstanding and the answer was satisfactory, Best Regards, James


Posted almost 3 years ago

My model is suspended .
I want reason.
I make that model not stolen .
then why suspended that.

Posted about 6 years ago

Why do I have two models sold, and did not receive in my account the number of my models? this does not start to be as nice as your advertising puts, says easy and direct, sale of the 9th of this month and of the 14th day of this month, $ 56.40, I always have my paypal account on the screen and I have not seen my income, what happens with these people of cgtrader, why is charged, CHARGED !!!!! if I do not have my $ 56.40 .. who has them ?? I expose it here because I believe a lot in the communities that we are in the same field, we are artists, and I understand that I can do something like doing another, now the feeling is sadness and anger, I feel cheated, why do they say it is direct? , several days have passed, and I do not have English in my account, if I do not have it, who has it? of all that amount $ 56.40 is mine, are my models and have been sold, he trusted in this portal, where are my $ 56.40? That is the question, for me and for many, if I do not get a response or the $ 56.40 this will come out in all the places where I have interests and friends, as well as paypal, facebook, youtube, devianart, cgsociety, and a few more of all this history ..

I hope I can have an answer soon as well as my $ 56.40 entered into my associated paypal account

Posted about 10 years ago

Yes! The buyer has to understand that he buys! We try to publish as a model. We are each in their program.

Who knows how each program offers certain formats!

Posted about 10 years ago

"Online - Contact Us" or "Offline - Leave a Message" in the bottom-right corner :)
They are online right now :)

Posted about 10 years ago

Should you decide to refund your sale, also ask for a written statement (Email) where the buyer declares they destroyed the copies of your product and/or they are not going to use your product in any given commercial project. It is your right to do so, and you should.

Posted about 10 years ago

I agree with Bodan as the cgt team has some rules regarding refunding issues and her is what they say :

cgt : Firstly, you should contact the seller and ask if it is possible to fix it or help the model to meet your requirements. If situation does not change, you can ask for a refund. If you tried to contact the seller, but did not succeed write to Product support or get in touch with CGTrader team.

Good luck

Posted about 10 years ago

I see no reason why you should issue a refund given the circumstances, other than maybe just playing the good guy. I know of cases when people asked for refunds when someone downloads a model with 2 million polys but their computer can't handle such a big model so it doesn't open it :) If you're working in 3D you should at least know the limits of your software before you buy models. That's my 2 cents.
Anyway, if you'd like to play the really really good guy you can just do the conversion you mentioned yourself and give the new files to the buyer. If after that he still wants a refund it means the problem is not the model ...

P.S. Oh an there's the chat at the bottom right corner of the page. They can help you with anything you ask them, during work hours of course.

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