Importing cgtrader fbx files into Houdini

Discussion started by philipp-1

Good afternoon,

I have some issues importing models downloaded from cgtrader into Houdini (Indie 15.5).

Apart from the fact that I never seem to get materials linked properly the fbx importer with houdini cracks up the models (mostly houses at building a city background) and displaces certain polygons (for example the windowframes are sitting 15 meters west right now at one of them.

My question is: Has anyone here ever imported an fbx model from the ones in the database into houdini, keeping materials and textures linked and the pieces in place?




Posted almost 8 years ago

I don't work in Houdini but maybe point you in right direction by telling you it probably has something to do with unit setup or any mismatches therein.

Usually strange things can happen in almost all 3D apps if this has some mismatches.

When importing 3D models try to matchup unit settings in the importer dialog with the ones you have setup in Houdini or vise versa.

It can also be the FBX was not exported correctly and some transformations did not get reset.

In many apps you can draw parametric objects like windows using units and afterwards do non uniform scaling or other transformations on the whole scene and then get problems when not properly reset the model to world units before exporting (leaving in some models that where depend on the local parametric units). This would probably not be correctable without manually setting things right or do a new export of the original model with proper unit resetting.

Regarding the materials, most 3D apps have their own proprietary shader formats, so it is not always compatible, in some cases basic features (if standard shaders where used in host creators app) like bitmap linking's could have some support.

Hope this gets you any closer ;-)

Posted almost 8 years ago

Thank You for the "direction", it got me further. I downloaded the supplied dae files and fbx-translated them with the autodesk tool. Suddenly at least the positions were right.
The problem with the textures remains. tried some programs and some recognize the supplied mtl some don't. After all I think it's mostly a conversion problem.

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