how to export with textures or with node edits using blender?

Discussion started by ibbexameen

i am using blender 2.76 and have created many 3d objects. but i am unable to export the 3d objects with textures or node edits to collada, wavefront, 3ds or fbx. could someone help me? i have googled, and found a way to export with textures, but still unable to export with textures or node edits in cycles render.


Posted over 8 years ago

I am also a blender user. As far as i know you cannot export models with the textures along using the cycles render engine, i do manage to export models with textures in the internal render engine, besides that i do not believe you can export nodes from either cycles or blender internal. you can mainly export from blender internal like materials, textures, perhaps armature also.

ibbexameen wrote
Thank you Roger Bootsma. but i think it should be able to export in both modes. anyway thank you a lot.

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