FBX Format Freeze transform issue

Discussion started by datec


I done 10 times freeze transform and when I export as FBX file format, there is no freeze transform with 3DS Max, and your Wildcat gives me error:


Objects have non reset transforms **** **** ***

What should I do?!


Posted almost 2 years ago

There is no way to complete his task they give error and error it is a fake or beta you can leave his task and no waste your time bro I try this but if I finish one error they give another error so it is waste of time

Posted almost 2 years ago

Wildcat is very very bulshit and bad anyone cannot work with this. If I solve one problem they ask another and another
They give impossible problems.
I ask you to not waste your important time with this site.
This is a Fake platform.
There is no way to complete his task.

datec wrote
Agreed, wasting time
Posted about 3 years ago

Which Script for 3DS Max, I didn't get any

cristianosimao wrote
Not you Datec, but the staff of Wildcat should be using a automated script whit errors in number conversion.
Posted about 3 years ago

I also observe the same problem, I think they must be using the same automated script for all works, I see my model in the preview system of the website and the measures are ok. And they say the same thing about the scale error.
I hope some day anyone from Wildcat respond the messages. I was only attended by the support team of Cgtrader, but the Wildcat is other division and I never can talk with the people whit work there.

Posted about 3 years ago

For the Blender users and model in cm scale this is the problem (probably in meters also occur). FBX in Blender have bugs.

User mmz-001 discover the problem and solution, read the instructions:
I also had this issue and found a solution after inspecting the FBX file with Autodesk FBX Converter. The issue is blender's FBX exporter is broken, and you need to adjust some settings before you export it. Here are the steps to solve this annoying problem.

1. Apply all transforms
2. Scale your model by 100x
3. Apply all transforms again.
4. Use these settings in the FBX exporter.
Scale: 0.01
Apply Scalings: All local
Forward: Y Forward
Up: Z Up
Uncheck apply unit

andrei-pavlov wrote
I do everything as you say. But it gives an error with units of measurements. Although I have meters in my blender, the wild cat writes that I have centimeters.
cgmudaindo wrote
Thank you, when I try to Export fbx It is working Scale 0.01 Apply scalling all local Uncheck apply unit. And then the problem is wildcat read my object cm not m. In blender when i export unit metric and meters. Can you help
cristianosimao wrote
Blender v2.9 and more recent versions updated the FBX exporter. Now use in "Aplly Scaling" = FBX Units Scale in the FBX exporter configurations screen. But I not verifyed because Wilcat have many other problems.
Posted about 3 years ago

I have the sam issue, and I can't submit my modell. did you get it fixed? if yes, how? thanks

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