duplicate sales

Discussion started by FUNKLE

Im stating in the description of my products that the "other" file contains all the formats I have uploaded, its a zip file, and yet again a user has download the fbx or max file etc been charged, decided they need to try a different format, 3ds, c4d etc and then been charged again, so no doubt that user will complain to me they have been charged twice and will have to get CGtrader to refund. Anyone else having this issue ?


Posted over 7 years ago

Hi there Funkle,

If a user bought a model, he gets the download link and he can download the file a few times, they definitely don't get charged twice. Also, if the buyer downloaded the zip file, shouldn't he get all the formats in one zip file instead of a need to download it many times?

If what you're trying to say is that you want to sell the same model but charge for different formats, then it's a whole another case, although I think that would also raise a few eyebrows..

If this is a different case, try to explain it, as maybe I have misread it in some way.

Eddie, CGTrader

Posted over 7 years ago

I upload all the formats I can along with images and then I upload a zip of everything, I've never bought anything on here so I don't know how anyone is being charged twice, I can only assume they are click to buy one format, paying for it, going back and trying a different format and being charged again, surely once you pay the first time you can go back and download the other formats? On Tsquid, once you purchase a model, its saved on your account so you can go back and try other formats listed over and over.

Posted over 7 years ago

here's an example both to the same user within minutes of each other
71599 2016-10-13 Human Heads $28.89
71591 2016-10-13 Human Heads $28.89

Posted over 7 years ago

Hi again,

I believe the buyer just accidentally bought the model twice. We don't really have the case when the buyer is trying to buy different formats, since he gets all the info and file formats once the model is bought so he can download the formats as many times as needed. And yes, it's very possible he will ask to refund one of those buys. :)

Posted over 7 years ago

perhaps if the item purchased was saved on the user's account so they can't accidentally buy again, a system where it remembers such a user has already purchased and doesn't add a charge or something?

blobfortress wrote
Or the "Add to cart" and "buy now" buttons are not there, instead there is just a "download" button for all the people who already bought the model?
Posted over 7 years ago

People could also think that if they want to use the model in 2 different projects, they need to buy it twice? Would they need to because of license?

FUNKLE wrote
Im just going on experience with TSquid's system though it means the user has their own personal archive of things they have purchased that they can go back to later, might need a lot more space storage space for that and that would cost CGT.
Posted over 7 years ago

Hi guys,

Yes, these ideas are relative, although in all honesty I can't promise that it will be integrated very soon. But it's definitely something we're taking a note for the future!

Kind Regards,
Eddie, CGTrader

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