Changing my email on this CG Trader Forum

Discussion started by agmlabs

Hello guys, I have a quick question, hope I can solve this as I do not want to open a new account here.

I have no longer access to the email I used when I opened this account at CG Trader. However when I go to my profile to update the email, then it says:

OK WE WILL SEND YOU A CONFIRMATION LINK TO YOUR FORMER EMAIL FIRST...!!!! what? So how can I setup a new email without having access to the older one? It really does not make sense at all. How do I contact an Administrator? Or should I open a new account?

Thanks in advance,


Posted about 2 years ago

Requiring to have access to the old email really DOES make sense, as it makes accounts much safer from hacking. It would be alarming to know that cgtrader support can help you without access to your old email.

Posted about 2 years ago

Yes you probably right, it would be better to open a new account then. Gmail sometimes get blocked if for some reason you do not receive the confirmation code in your phone, anyway, no big deal, I can still use this account the problem is that I do not get the notifications. Or better to close it then open a new one. Lets see what customer support tells me to do,
Thanks !

Posted 8 months ago

Old thread but still very relevant since no changes have been made. I have the same problem as I need to change both e-mail (old abandoned e-mail) and password (compromised by another site).

Wouldn't it have just been better to offer app-based 2FA auth as a means of proving our identity? Now I can't change pass or e-mail and am too lazy to contact support about it. I no longer have any business with this site and was trying to change password out of courtesy so someone else doesn't log in and commit some malicious act.

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