Your website / project extremely cool

Discussion started by klemenbor

Hello! I want to say some words in gratitude for this website. Im game developer who is making online game alone. It uses pseudo 3d style with pre-rendered 3D models.

After 2 years of assets search I can finally say - your website is the best assets market in the Internet. Not matter that its only 3D. I never bought 3D models anywhere else, because its impossible. All other 3D sites totally sucks.

Moreover, I have the need to search audio, graphics, etc in other markets and through all my time spent on such scrap yards, when I came here - Im relaxing. I have some favourite authors here. Good search, many models, friendly looking previews, easy pay system, nice prices.

Please dont stop your development, attract new artists (because not all the genres fully covered yet) and dont lower the plane of quality. Thanks!


Posted over 5 years ago

Thank you very much for your comment, you do not see many thank you messages.

I recently made an analysis of the regulations and licenses of other websites similar to this one, and I totally agree, that CGT is the best by far. For example, for buyers on some websites, the license only allows use in 1 project. And for sellers, the webs reserve the right to resell, modify ... the published models. In CGT the conditions for all, are just, which is the key to the success of any business. CGT supports buyers and sellers and it is fair that we support CGT and recognize its good work.

Posted over 5 years ago

thank you for your words, hopefully we can all help each other.

Posted over 4 years ago


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