Where are thou CGT?

Discussion started by skapricorn

Something wrong with CGT search today. Search gives few pages of results, but only first page is available, all attempts to see what's on the other pages shows the void.

Anybody faced today with the same problem?

Lyrical P.S.: dear CGT, what you think, how buyers would search the models in the scrapyard of 1M60K models? By direct links from designers or they must use 3rd part search engines? You don't need and don't want to be profitable?


Posted almost 4 years ago

Seems to be working here. Maybe try to clear browser's cache and cookies?

LemonadeCG wrote
It looks like search results works up to 83-84 pages and then it stucks no matter how many pages there are in total.
LemonadeCG wrote
On the other hand, there's probably very few who goes deeper than 2-3 pages...
skapricorn wrote
i'm doing those operatons at least once per week. it helps not too much (not with this bug but with many others) anyway if site works incorrect in mainstream browsers, it's more sites problem than users... (IMHO)
skapricorn wrote
stucking after 83-84 pages is the very old bug. I remember it since my first attempts of inspecting "multi-thousand model stores" of pirates.
Posted almost 4 years ago

P.S. designers lives matters! make CGT great again! :D

techykitty wrote
I endorse the campaign :D hit the tiny down arrow by mistake on my tablet. Sorry...I can't seem to take it back.

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