What would make CGTrader better for buyers and sellers?

Discussion started by HorizonSystems

Personally i think improving the search system and being more transparent would make it better for all.


Posted about 2 months ago

Well, 2nd model? Dear user, I think you can guess what this means for your profile? ;-)

HorizonSystems wrote
Yes, that I submitted a request to support to have it removed and they didn’t respond and that I misunderstood how content works with degrees of difference
Posted about 2 months ago

I personally think that inventing permanent solution for people like you who are selling stolen models (don't for a second think that we forgot stolen models on the other topic that you reported in order to save yourself) would be of huge benefit to every honest seller here. Using other people work and mod it slightly then turbosmooth it doesn't make it yours. Before you start about how your model is different blah blah (like on the other topic) , let me explain something to you, there is no such thing as similar model, as similar toplogy, it's either completely different or completely the



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