Subscripe option to new 3D-model releases from specific issuer

Discussion started by modelrailroad3d


I got the request from several of my buyers, asking for the possibility to subscribe to new 3D-model releases from a specific issuer. They would simply like to receive an E-mail notification when a new 3D-model is published.
I therefore suggest adding a "subscribe" button next to the issuers icon or name. The 'alt-text' could be "Notify me about new 3D-models".

Thank you for a great platform!

Best Regards

Modelrailroad3d team


Posted about 2 years ago

I agree with the "subscribe" button, but perhaps there could be a way to opt out of email updates. Some people get a lot of email, and this might be overwhelming if they subscribe to several artists, especially those who post hundreds of models a month. Perhaps just a dropdown with all of your subscribed artists and a Info icon next to those who have recently updated their models since your last login.

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