Site Suggestion: Add an option to the products to mark them as exclusive to CGTrader

Discussion started by MichaelTaylor3D

Was trying to submit this as a reply to one of the post, but it wasnt working, so I just made a new feed.

I have a bunch of models that right now are exclusive to CGTrader. It would be cool if I could add a badge to them to mark them as exclusive.


Posted over 10 years ago

Who would make a model exclusive to a site with so few sales?

MichaelTaylor3D wrote
Someone who want to support the site and increase the sites sales by saying you cant get the model anywhere else
Posted over 10 years ago

Yea it would actually fit with the "Cheaper than anywhere" option when you set the discount. :)

MichaelTaylor3D wrote
I think the cheaper than anywhere, while still valid, would mean something slightly different. PLus the cheaper then anywhere on applies to discounted models.
RobiZ wrote
Well yes , as i said it would fit with it in the "unique to this site" group of options , as it makes it in someway "unique" to this site. Sorry if i don't make much sense with my sentences , as I'm tired ):

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