Please make it where anybody could make comments about any designers at any given time.

Discussion started by piggychu

Right now, users could make any comments about designers only when they finish a project.

BUT, sometimes the users ONLY knows the true face of the designer AFTER the deal is sealed!

Such as some designer (I'll give you the name if it's needed, but for now, let's give him some dignity) will ask you to seal the deal first with a good comment and high rating and give you all kind of promises.

But in the end, it's ALL empty promises and NONE of it is fulfilled!

And the user can NOT go back and change the comment! (At least I don't know how)

As a result, the designer's page inevitably filled with good comments and high ratings!

Causing more and more user to be tricked into believing such a fraud and waste money!

Therefore, I sincerely beg the tech team to make features such as the title suggested or at least give the user the ability to change the feedbacks and ratings he/she had given.

Thank you very VERY much for your time and consideration!


Posted about 3 years ago

Why should be anyone allowed to comment about any designer at any given moment if he/she have nothing to do with that designer? So he/she can destroy someones reputation and at the same time eliminate competition? If designer didin't fulfill someones expectation, contact support, ask for a refund, end of story. If you stumble across scammer, report him to support and he/she will be gone. Same as gjuroo, I wasn't aware that you can rate designer before the project is finished, if someone asked me this (to rate and comment in advance) i would look for another designer and this one would be reported to support. Allowing anybody to comment on anybody at any given time (regarding projects) is a very good way to abuse.

Posted about 3 years ago

On CGTrader the workflow is quite linear...
1. Choose designer
2. Discuss details of project and agree on it
3. Prepay the project
4. Designer works
5. Get the product you agreed on
5. Finish the project
6. Leave a comment and rate about designer

I didn't even know that you can rate designer before the project is finished. Anyway, why would you do it before finishing the project?
So far, I think it's your mistake to let designer "blackmail" you.
If you follow the procedure, there is no need for users / clients to change comments and ratings for designers.
Don't pay the designer if he didn't deliver what you both agreed on.

Also, there is always great CGT support and you can contact them in any phase of project if you think you'll be tricked.

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