Please do something about picture processing

Discussion started by totalamateur

I just posted this new model, and the images that I put on the site were these ones (I made sure to make light materials so the shapes would look well defined)

then I published the model and BOOM the images look too dark and you can barely see anything.

Yes, I know when you click on the picture you see the original picture, but the thumbnail is what everybody sees, and I'd like it to be as accurate as possible.

Thanks for your time, I love this site, that's why I want it to be the best for everyone.


Posted over 7 years ago

Covert the images to sRGB color gamut, that's standard for image color processing in most internet browsers.

If you edit an image in Photoshop or render it on your color proofed monitor then it will have monitor profile embedded (or adobe RGB if it's coming from digital camera), keep in mind these are wider color spaces to work in, if you display these images in a more narrow color space like sRGB then they will get over saturated and darker because of gamma mismatches.

So keep in mind to convert working color spaces to lower sRGB standard for net and adobe RGB for print.

You can use "color management" keywords to find more info on the subject.

There are many programs that can convert/add color profiles, for example Photoshop.
In Photoshop you can use convert to profile option.

Some info here (

And a tutorial here (
Video is old but still valid.

Posted over 7 years ago

It looks like gamma issue. Your image hasn't colour profile embeded, could you try to swap it with this image and see if that helps with dark thumbnails?

totalamateur wrote
I tried the picture but it didn't make a difference, can you explain what embeded colour profile is?, thanks!

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