Minimal price limit has been lifted?

Discussion started by LemonadeCG

I just noticed that minimal price one can set for CG model has been changed from $7 to $2. Is this intenional change or just another bug on cgtrader? If former, then why such major feature has been brought in without any anouncement?


Posted about 8 years ago

Hey guys,

I can assure it's not a bug, we are bringing the minimal price to $2. Although, the missing announcement is a very good notice there, I'll make sure our community won't miss those any more!


Eddy, CGTrader

sergey-kushnir wrote
Hi I'm going to sell my models for the price of one dollar, and some even less - it is a very simple model, it is foolish to demand for them three dollars. I had to sell bundles of three or five models - but not sure what people are willing to pay for unnecessary model of the bundle. example so I inconvenient lowest price in three dollars - it does not take into account the needs of the customer in simple models and the willingness to reduce the cost of Seller
Posted about 8 years ago

because today is weekend we must ask support or waiting cgtrader telling whats happens - waiting

Posted about 8 years ago

i dont know bro - leave message to support - iam against low prices

LemonadeCG wrote
And i am not. But i think that any change in pricing policy should be anonuced before implementation and not be brought silently.

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