License errors

Discussion started by Bogdan

Hey guys.

I have noticed for a few weeks now that there seems to be some problems with the automatic license changing that you have on your site. Basically most if not all the model licenses for some people get changed from "general" to "editorial" for no apparent reason. From what I've seen this seems to happen to quite a lot of the sellers here. 

My suggestion would be that you should add a button which we could use to change the licenses to all the models at once, like you have the "apply discount" button already. That way at least we can change the licenses ourselves until you work out around this error. I have changed them manually a few times already but as you can imagine it is quite a daunting task to change the licenses on each model one at a time when you have dozens of them. And seems like no matter how many times I change them to the correct license they keep on switching back so I'm fighting a lost battle.

I just hope you guys manage to solve this bug or if not at least implement that button.



Posted over 10 years ago

Sounds like a plan Dalia. Thanks :)

Posted over 10 years ago

Good points Bogdan and apologies for the confusion! We just started the licensing auto-tagging, so there are a few bumps along the way. But we'll consider your suggestion, and hopefully there will not be further issues going forward!

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