Introducing new look of designer profile page

Discussion started by ed-cgt

Hello everybody,

I would like to introduce you to new look of designer public profile page. The redesign was made for the following reasons:

- Making your models more prominent. We believe that public profile page is a great place for you to showcase your work and improve sales so now models are presented clearly with "Top Models" tab selected as default. This means that no matter what kind of models you are creating, they will always appear for the visitor without looking for specific tab somewhere are the bottom of the page.
- Minimizing statistics area and optimizing the layout. We decided to concentrate on models rather than designer stats that were moved to the left side of the page. We still have all the numbers needed but they are not the main part of the page anymore.
- Adding social share buttons. It is a shame that social share / like buttons were missing from designer profile page. From now on you and your talent fans can share your profile page on Facebook, Twitter and Google+ to increase views and sales. Social likes and shares will also act as another reputation indicator in the new reputation system that is coming soon.

We have plans to make this designer profile page more customizable in the future (for example, letting designer to decide which models to keep on top) and looking forward for your feedback on this first improvement step.

P.S. We also added social share buttons on our footer - feel free to share and spread the word about us. Thanks!


Posted over 9 years ago

It's understood that the majority of our members are mesh up-loaders. When uploading, it would be a great help to us to identify the type of file by eliminating the name of the software, just show the file type,: .par, .iges. .stl and so on in alphabetical order. Most packages out there are capable of importing their competitions' files. Also when we fill out the form before uploading, many boxes are awaiting for mesh formats, but a single "solid" box is missing.
I hope to bring about many solid modelers on-board, there is a sizable market for mechanical and electrical engineers who seek detailed and accurate models. Why not from here?

Posted over 9 years ago

I like the new layout and the social share buttons. I see almost no difference between top models and 3D models, so what the difference should be? I am looking forward to letting designer to decide which models to keep on top. Also, is there any button to designers gallery models on the profile page?

ed-cgt wrote
The difference between those two is that Top models are based on overall rating of the model and 3D models are added recently. We are planning to add galleries to the page as well.
Posted over 9 years ago

Both designers Top Models and 3d Models pick up the latest models and so on exactly the same way.
I tweeted the profile page and shared the link on Facebook and it worked great. In some reason link to our webpage does not work, hope that is temporary problem.

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