How do I get my models to sell?

Discussion started by space-boi-vii

Hello everyone, thank you for taking the time to read this!!

So I started doing furniture 3D models when I got some free time from architecture school last summer and wanted to make some extra money on the side to save but I cant seem to sell a single model so I wanted to get your opinions on what I should improve. Thanks in advance!!!


Posted over 3 years ago

Ok. I'll be honest. You can't really expect to sell many models in the architecture category when you only have 3 in your portfolio. I don't care how good they are. There's just way too much competition in that category. I mean that's probably the largest category on the site. So, you'll need models that have a very high ranking, or you'll need hundreds of them to make any real money from it. I have a few models in that category myself, and if I sell one every other month, I'm lucky. I probably have a dozen or so chairs and stuff, but they don't sell very well. I'd need hundreds of them to be noticed.

You can increase your chances of being seen if your model ranking is high. I don't think your rankings for those products are even in the green? I say that because your descriptions are very short and you do not offer many formats. Along with your native max format, you should offer OBJ, FBX, and whatever else you can export to. That will help increase your model ranking. Also try to add more words in your description, and have at least 20 keywords for each model. That will also help the model rankings. Then just keep adding to your portfolio. If you are going to compete in the arch-viz category, you'll need to have quite a few models available. Collections are popular there too. Good luck!

luxxeon wrote
Oh, and you'll need more preview renders. Include wireframe renders too. This will also help increase the model rankings. You should have at least 8 preview renders, and maybe 4 wireframes from different angles.
space-boi-vii wrote
Yes, you're absolutely right, I'll get to work on new ones and ill update the ones I currently have with several extensions and previews. Thank you Luxxeon for your valuable input!!
space-boi-vii wrote
Is there a way for me to know what types of models are in high demand on the site like analytics ?
luxxeon wrote
Analytics is probably the best way to get an overview of what is going on. I'm not sure if you have full access to all the information yet. I think you will need to work your way up the scale to unlock some of the more personalized information in the analytics, but there are some general measurements that you can see. Take it with a grain of salt, but it can be a good generalized overview of where to target your efforts. Arch-Viz stuff will sell, but it's a very very competitive market that is also oversaturated. You'll need to really make a superhuman effort if you plan to do big things in that market. There are some big players in that category with the ability to upload dozens of new models every day, so competition will be steep. Still, you can make sales if you have a way to push your stuff on social media or some other advertising means.
space-boi-vii wrote
yeah youre right i need to work my way up to view full analytics , ill figure out a way to compete in archviz eventually, thanks again for your help!! Btw are you that luxxeon, the youtuber luxxeon 3d?

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