
Discussion started by HQ3DMOD


i want create collections, but with this like it is now, i can't, it is really messy. I see cgt don't care about about product presentation, any model will be good that brings money.

title images generates auto every time i save it, so i can't remove those messy images, i can't even understand what there is in that mess.

why collection needs HD 16:9 images to work normal, if product image aspect ratio is different?

most important thing, please make that i can remove images generated by cgt in collections. You added new stuff like add to existing collection, and i think it the reason why we can't delete title images in collections.

Can you please answer will you fix it or not? I'm waiting answer for a long time, maybe you will answer here, i hope .. or you will ignore messages even here?


Posted over 5 years ago

Hi all,

Thanks for checking in regarding this problem - the issue is already noted and should be fixed in the near future.
Sorry if it caused any inconvenience to you.

All the best,
CGTrader support

Posted over 5 years ago

Hm, just tested it and it seems you can delete auto generated preview images without problems. Here's example of such collection:

LemonadeCG wrote
Ah crap, as soon as i posted message, auto generated images came back. So yeah, +1 to OP's request.
HQ3DMOD wrote
Yes, they added that can be added models to existing collections, so every time you press save script will generate new title images. Editing model and add model to existing collection has conflict. Easiest way is to fix it is to add checkbox "do not create title images" so i can upload my images for title what i created.

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