3D model DOWNLOADS metric?

Discussion started by TazMan2000

I'm not sure if this was discussed before, but would sellers and buyers want a metric that shows the buyer how many times the model was downloaded?

To some buyers, if a model was downloaded several times, even without reviews, it could suggest that the model is good. However, if the model isn't downloaded much, it could suggest the opposite.



Posted over 2 years ago

There is nothing that can show you how good model is without buying it and checking it by yourself. Something that is good for you doesn't neseceraly mean that it will be good for me or someone else. Number of sales of particular model doesn't show anything, because in most cases (I personally never heard that someone recommended 3d model to someone else) customers doesn't recommend models to each other and rarely communicate. Reviews of model can be used for deteremination how good model is but but only if artist is honest and legit, but even with that you can't be 100% sure. There are peoples who will write the baddest posible review in order to justfied their refund request, because they want to get model for free (thieves) and that one review (if there isn't positive ones) will trick customer to think that model is bad. If requested, support will sometimes clear that review and decline refund, sometimes is the opposite, it depends on a situation. As far as positive ratings goes, you can be sure with those either, because there is a new "very modern, very smart, made by very intelligent and smart people" trend of creating multiple accounts and buying model from yourself in order to give yourself 5 star ratings wich will trick customer to think that your model is good. Don't be surprised when you see a very bad 3d model which price is 2$ , to have 3-4 5 star ratings, in 1-2 hours after upload, the model that I personally wouldn't download even if it's free.

Posted over 2 years ago

I agree somewhat with what you're saying PhantomDesign, but then how are people supposed to know if a model is good, if you can't trust the reviews, can't trust the number of downloads and can't trust the ratings?

LowPolyVehicles wrote
In general, in my opinion, the only way is marmoset viewer (its available here on cgt) but people avoid that here because of model theft trough ripping. Nowdays you even can't trust the preview images because a good number of sellers here use preview images from other artists without premissions wich lead to misrepresentation. If you are interested in how you can differ good model from a bad one, or how you can represent your model in order to be recognized as good, contact me via pm.

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